Special track at RAGE-KG 2024

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Call for AI-Generated Papers

We welcome AI-generated papers for this special track


  • Submit a paper generated using AI on a topic of your choice
  • Upload a description (1-2 pages) describing the generation approach
  • Upload the generated paper in any format

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Approach Description: Include an explanation of your method for generating the paper. The length can vary from a brief overview of two paragraphs to a more detailed description of up to two pages.
  2. AI-Generated Paper: Submit a paper generated by AI on a topic of your choosing. The AI-generated paper can be in any format and follow any template.

For the description of your approach, use the 1-column CEUR paper template available here:

Overleaf template LaTeX and DOCX templates


  • AI-generated papers due: October 11, 2024
  • Notification to authors: October 21, 2024
(All deadlines are midnight Anywhere on Earth time.)

Note: Optional pre-submissions with author names are welcome to help us better estimate editorial efforts.

Other Details:

  • All accepted submissions will be compiled into a collaborative entry for the workshop proceedings, offering a window into the potential of AI in (future) research.
  • All AI-generated papers will be made available in the workshop's online repository.
  • Best contributions will be recognized with certificates (mailed to recipients).
  • The top entry will receive a special prize provided by the workshop sponsors.
  • Additionally, we will recognize the affiliated research institutions and companies of all contributors during the in-person workshop at ISWC.

We hope this initiative will provide valuable insights into the role of AI in (the future of) research, and we look forward to your potential contribution.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact

Best regards,
Daniil Dobriy | RAGE-KG Programme Committee